Family Resources
Singing in a second language
Singing is a fun way to help your child learn and remember words and sentence structure in...Read More
Playing with sound
When we sing, we slow down the natural rhythm of our speech and stretch out...Read More
Nursery rhymes
Babies and young children love music, singing and rhyme …so sing together anywhere anytime! Nursery...Read More
Sing with to your baby – Getting started
Singing is a gentle way to bond with babies. Listening to music and singing helps...Read More
Looking for words: literacy activity
Everyday activities like going to the local shops are fun ways to help your child’s literacy...Read More
Developing literacy
Literacy is being able to read, write, listen, speak and create texts in ways that allow us...Read More
Reading and storytelling with babies and children
Reading books, sharing stories, talking, and singing every day helps your child’s development in many ways. ...Read More
Reading with babies from birth
Reading books, talking about pictures, sharing stories, and singing rhymes and songs help your baby’s development...Read More
Telling stories with children
Storytelling promotes literacy and language skills and gets children ready to start reading. Stories about...Read More