Traditionally, many have thought that play and learning are separate entities – but in a child’s early years, this could not be farther from the truth.
Play is not just something we do for fun, it’s actually how we learn.
Early childhood experts from Middlesex University explain how neural pathways that are built through play before the age of six form the complex foundation in the brain used for all future learning. It is so crucial to early development in fact, that depriving a child and their brain of these experiences can have an adverse effect.
All different types of play are rich with the kind of sensory input that young brains thrive on. Our brains are wired to seek out play, to crave it, as it connects millions of neurons together ensuring brain architecture and the foundations for later learning and development are well established.
Child’s play? It’s serious business!
Read more here: https://neurosciencenews.com/play-brain-neurodevelopment-24903/