Play may seem simple, but your baby or toddler is learning so much – just playing shops allows them to explore imagination, maths, social and sharing skills, and new words. Play is crucial to building pathways and connecting neurons in the brain.
There is so much that children can do at home to follow their interests, have fun and learn new skills. Play can happen anywhere, and it’s the process that matters to a child, not the finished product.
Here’s a few simple tips to get you started!
- Favourite toy…is you!
Babies and toddlers adore playing with the people who love and care for them. You are absolutely their best and favourite toy! There is no need for expensive games – you can use your voice and movement to play every day.
- Alone and with friends
Give children time to play alone, and with friends and family. Being social helps children practice turn taking, communication and entering and exiting play situations. Playing alone gives children the chance to figure out their interests.
- Repeat for practice
Practice new skills over and over. Watch the laughter on children’s faces when they build, knock over and re-build a tower. Play encourages children learn by testing the boundaries of their abilities through repetition.
- Talk in play
There are endless opportunities to talk with your child – and play is no different. Take time to talk with children about what they are doing in their play and ask thought-provoking questions.
- Explore the outdoors
Satisfy children’s natural love and need for movement and exploration. Encourage crawling, climbing, running, playing in sandpits, using playdough, dancing, playing with water. Stay together and connect. Playing outside is the perfect way for children to explore their developing senses and learn about the world around them!
View our Play Info Sheet here.